- Aufnahme: Herbst 1999
- Studio: Blue Voice Studio, Dortmund
- Tontechnik: Heiko Stölzig
- Gäste & Unterstützung: Mr. Gone: Rainmaker auf „Hadj“
Linar Notes:
House of Jade (Wayne Shorter)A wonderful opener, as well in concert as on this CD. Listen to its ambiguous harmonies and the far-east-flavoured melody, taken from Wayne Shorters’s 1964 album JUJU
Hadj (Abdullah Ibrahim)This composition from Mr. Ibrahim’s 1978 album THE JOURNEY with its length of about twenty minutes describes the pilgrim’s journey across the endless desert. We put it beyond to the Planet of Dune.
A Call for all Demons (Sun Ra)This tune always longs for an improvised introduction, expecting the demons to come, before slippin‘ into a blues, whose melody leaves the traditional hamonies very smoothly – a lot of space for soloing!
Ishmael (Abdullah Ibrahim)Our version of this classic composition. We always thought the tune to be played in a lower tempo to unfold the mood of spiritual depth: remember the original, Mr. Ibrahim chanting the Sura Fatiha from the Quran.
Crystal Silence (Chick Corea)The name-giving composition from Chick Corea’s first RETURN TO FOREVER album, fitting wonderful to our idea of a shining-through jazz, meaning openness, calm, balance and a lot of space to hear. Funk is what you don’t play!
Claridade (Ralph Towner)Heard once on Oregon’s 1997 album NORTHWEST PASSAGE and immediately transcribed – it took only a few hours for us to make this mood of clearness and light suitable to our trio: now it’s a must for us!
Lonnies Lament (John Coltrane)We learned this composition from Kenny Garrett’s 1996 album „Pursuance – the music of John Coltrane“, played there on altosax instead of tenor. We hope you will enjoy this groovy kind of our Crystal Silence jazz
„Inkognito“-CD-Bestellung und Rückmeldung von Abdullah Ibrahims Archivar Lars Rassmussen
- Wikipedia: Wayne Shorter, John Coltrane
- abdullahibrahim.com
- dpo.uab.edu/~moudry (Sun Ra)
- chickcorea.com
- ralphtowner.com
- oregonband.com